
Quality TLS/SSL certificates for websites and internet projects.

Sectigo EV CODE Signing

Sectigo EV CODE Signing

Sectigo EV CODE Signing certificate

Sectigo CODE Sign Extended Validation Signing certificate offers the most trusted code signing solution, including support for Windows Hardware Developer Center Portal for kernel mode driver signing and SmarScreen Filter in Windows 8/10/11. Windows SmartScreen Reputation is a Microsoft tool that protects users from unknown programs. Based on anonymous data collected from the community, it assigns trustworthiness to programs, which decides whether to display SmartScreen when a program is installed. The EV CODE Signing certificate will finally solve this developer's headache in modern Windows. It doesn't matter if you have a brand new application or a more well-known application with a lower level of trust.

The price of the CODE certificate already includes hardware TOKEN + delivery of the token (~130 USD).
If you are interested in a certificate installed on your own token that meets FIPS 140-2 level 2 certification and above, please contact us.

EV Code Sign Sectigo

Signing the application with a Code Signing certificate guarantees the trustworthiness of the application. The Sectigo EV CODE Signing certificate and its private key is delivered on a HW token meeting the newly set strict criteria for storing CODE signing certificates. The hardware token is sent directly by Sectigo certification authority. Please note that the CODE certificate cannot be exported from the token due to security requirements. We recommend setting rules and procedures for signing software and code in teams.

The Sectigo EV CODE Signing certificate is not the one EV CODE in our offer, you can check another Code Signing certificates for developers and software companies.


 $647 per year (Total: $647)
 $484 per year (Total: $968)
 $441 per year (Total: $1,323)

Prices without VAT.

The price includes: obtaining an SSL certificate, basic technical support for the order
Multi-year - The final multi-year price is given in parentheses.
Payment - We accept payments by card, PayPal and bank transfer.

Features and Benefits of Sectigo EV CODE Signing certificates

Application security

Code Signing Certificate maintains code integrity and prevents the misuse of the SW company name to distribute counterfeit software or modify code.

Distribution support

Signed applications help increase download numbers and sales revenue. Increased trust helps expand distribution channels for your software.

Customer confidence

Signed software protects customers from malware and other malicious threats. A digital signature protects and reassures customers that the integrity of the code they have downloaded is ensured and that the program is intact, not damaged, or altered in any way. Increased trust promotes better user perception of the application.


Once downloaded, the user is sure that the code obtained actually comes from you as the publisher, which ensures the company's reputation. Code Signing Certificates allow customers to identify the author of a digitally signed code, making sure the program is from the company that is expected.

Seamless integration

The offered Code Signing certificates can be used for Windows, MacOS and iOS operating systems without any problems. All certification authorities work with companies such as Microsoft or Apple and follow their recommendations and policies for issuing certificates according to the CA/Browser Forum.

30 Days Money Back Guarantee

Customer experience is the first and foremost priority for us. The selected SSL certificate is not suitable for your needs? Do you want another one? Or do you just want to cancel the order? We offer 30 Days Money Back Guarantee for all our customers. Check out our Refund Policy to know more.


SSLmentor recommendation

The Sectigo Code EV certificate ensures the trust of the signed code in the Windows SmartScreen Filter. It is suitable for companies developing for Windows OS where high trust requirements (driver signing, LSA and UEFI) are required.

More information about Sectigo EV CODE Signing

What you should know before you place an order.

Extended Validated CODE certificate

EV Code Signing entails extensive vetting of the applicant

The Code EV certificate is intended for corporate customers only and is issued after thorough validation of the applicant. The certification authority verifies the existence of the company and the address, most often in the company register. If the company is less than 3 years old, it may request additional documents. It also requires verification of the person of the certificate applicant, who is validated by the authority by phone. At the same time, the existence of the company's telephone number is verified from a publicly accessible database. After verification of all the information, the certification authority performs validation by phone. First the administrative contact and finally the company contact. If everything is in order, the certificate is subsequently issued.

The token is sent by a delivery service (DHL, UPS, etc.). The client receives a tracking code with additional information.

How long it takes to get the Sectigo EV CODE Signing certificate

The Certificate Authority must validate the operational and physical identity

Confirmation of the website's identity is carried out according to the rigorous CAB Forum guidelines and involves a strict vetting process by a public Certificate Authority.
If the certification authority has sufficient documentationand and all telephone verifications are done, it takes 3 to 10+ days to issue the certificate.

Renewing your certificate

You need to renew Sectigo EV CODE Signing certificate before it expires

We recommend to start renewing an expiring SSL certificate approx. 30 days before it expires. Renewing a CODE certificate is practically like applying for a new one and is therefore no faster. If you need to continue signing on an expiring certificate, definitely don't leave renewal to the last minute.

You can renew your Sectigo EV CODE Signing certificate with us without any problem even if you originally ordered it from another supplier. We always have better prices than the certification authority!

Microsoft SmartScreen

The security guard in the Windows ecosystem

In the spring, Microsoft announced that starting in August 2024, EV CODE certificates will be evaluated the same way as standard CODE certificates. This means that EV CODE certificates will no longer automatically "bypass" the SmartScreen filter but will need to build reputation. In the future, EV Code Signing certificates will remain the most trusted available certificates, but they will no longer immediately remove SmartScreen warnings.
Note: We currently have no information on whether this change has been implemented or postponed. We recommend purchasing a 1-year or 2-year EV CODE certificate to avoid early renewal validation.

For more information see What is Windows SmartScreen?

Time Stamping Server

Time Stamp Server & Stamping Protocols for Code Signing

Sectigo time stamping server information for using Code certificates: time stamping server help.

RFC3161 compliant Time Stamp Authority (TSA) server:

CA Sectigo
CA Thawte
CA GeoTrust
CA DigiCert
CA Certum